$10K Gaming MantleGrant

AssetMantle is proud to announce grants for the Play-to-Earn games. The Mantle team welcomes each and every developer team to come and build with us!

Scope of the Grant

  • The domain is but not restrictied to Play-to-earn games
  • Eligibile projects / teams to be evaluated on the basis of the use-cases, utilities and innovation in the NFT landscape
  • The development of the project must utilize the open-source frameworks and AssetMantle modules  
  • Teams need to submit detailed information about their game design or concept in addition to photos, videos, and other assets to be considered for the grant. 
  • A non-exhaustive list of project ideas that we are looking to fund are; on chain RPG games card games, mmos, metaverse and metaverse compatible games, game-fi (tokenomics focused), battlers/racers and basically every genre of gaming that can be incorporated with NFTs!
  • Note that there is no max cap for the grant. Based on different factors such as potential and complexity of the project, and size of the team, the Mantle team would support the developers with a flexible grant as required.
  • The projects will have a personal (Telegram) group directly with the Mantle team for help, assistance, sharing ideas, exposure and more
  • Dedicated Twitter Spaces with the AssetMantle official handle to spread the word
  • Marketing and strategy help from the experienced team of AssetMantle

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How will AssetMantle get significant volume and liquidity in a short period?

At genesis, 26% (78 million $MNTL) of the supply would be circulating to bootstrap liquidity and incentivize the early adopters of the platform. The team also has support from the larger persistence ecosystem and validators

2. Can we see a preview of the marketplace?

Users can play around and experience a glimpse of the marketplace at https://demo.assetmantle.one/marketplace (Demo Beta only; early access of full version will be provided to Genesis Creators of AssetMantle). The genesis creators and their projects get early access to the mainnet.

3. Does it have all options just like OpenSea?

Yes, and much more!

Fractionalization, Social Profiling, Batch Minting, UID, etc.

Join the program to know about the features and get access to them before the rest šŸ˜‰

4. How is the project community-focussed and what are the benefits for the community?

We believe NFTs are culture, and $MNTL is the currency of the culture. Henceforth 54% of the initial circulating supply will be airdropped to the community. Tokenomics is designed as such to incentivize development and creators to bootstrap the innovative projects. Community is the core of our product!

5. Will we have personal assistance with building our own marketplace on AssetMantle?

The Mantle team will always be available for the genesis creators at every step of the way. The team is developing an extremely intuitive UI for the best UX possible.

Any more questions, write to us with “$10k Gaming Grant” in the subject line and we will reply at the earliest!

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About AssetMantle
AssetMantle is a multi-tenant NFT marketplace framework that enables creators and collectors to securely mint, own, and trade digital assets on its fast-finality blockchain. The AssetMantle no-code toolset allows creators to create customized assets and marketplaces permissionless-ly . Likewise, collectors can own the assets minted across these marketplaces and compatible chains in a singular wallet with minimal gas and a lower carbon footprint. Built on the interNFT standard, AssetMantle implements an end-to-end stack of open-source modular tools that developers can modify to fit advanced use cases. 

contribute to interchain NFT standards; currently being spearheaded by us & the interchain foundation: https://github.com/interNFT/nft-rfc/tree/main

Build an open-source, community-driven framework for inter-chain NFTs and metadata standardization by contributing to the ā€˜interNFT standardā€™. 

Provide a platform that enables a diverse set of NFTs use cases that extend beyond arts and collectibles and can potentially change the representation of rights and ownership of real-world assets like real estate and other commodities. 

AssetMantle is always on the lookout to connect with individuals or organizations who wish to take advantage of the opportunities present in the blockchain space and want to learn more about AssetMantle. If you wish to get in touch, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Follow AssetMantleā€™s social channels to stay up-to-date with the latest developments.
Twitter | Telegram | Discord Instagram | LinkedIn | hello@assetmantle.one

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