How to buy NFTs on MantlePlace

Mantleplace Walkthrough:

With the launch of the initial collections on Mantleplace fast approaching, the AssetMantle team wanted to provide a detailed walkthrough that showcases the Mantleplace platform and explains exactly how to use it.

If you would prefer the video walkthrough, click here:

If you are interested in reading about the progress the AssetMantle team has made recently, check out our most recent Quarterly report here:


After some initial setup, users can simply sign in to Mantleplace using their email ID and password. To begin, go to: Next, simply click sign-up.

You will then be prompted to input a username; you can then review and accept the terms and conditions of the Mantleplace.

Then click on next. You’ll then be presented with the AssetMantle address and, below it, a recovery phrase consisting of four randomly generated words. Make sure to record these words

and save them in a safe place. You can regain access to your account through the recovery phrase at any time, but beware; others can also use this to recover your account, so make sure your phrase stays hidden.

When you click on next, You’ll be prompted to establish a password, then input your recovery phrase in the order it was recorded to confirm; when completed, click on next.

Congratulations, you should have successfully created your account!

To complete this process, click on sign in, then input the username and password you established during account setup. Once signed in, you can access your Mantleplace profile by clicking on the icon in the top right-hand corner.

Within your profile, you’ll see four tabs:
Collected: The Collected tab has all the NFTs you have bought and are currently in your wallet.

Created: The created tab contains all the NFT collections that you’ve previously created.

The white list tab shows all the previous and current whitelists that were created.

Wishlist: The wishlist tab allows you to track NFTs that you are currently interested in.

If you wish to participate in a whitelist sale, users will receive a link that the NFT creator typically distributes; however, these whitelist spots are limited, so attempt to register interest with the creator early. If you have access to this, copy the URL and paste the link into your browser.

You will then see the white list invitation as above; it shows various details:

– White list name,
– Description,
– Maximum members,
– Starting and ending periods.

If you would like to participate, click on accept.

We’ve joined the whitelist successfully; next, let’s go ahead and purchase an NFT; click on the explore tab, which will bring the user back to the Mantleplace homepage.

Scroll down until you see an NFT you want to purchase, then click on that collection. You will see the NFT image with the sale details on the right-hand side.

Information such as the sale price and sale end date will be displayed; click on buy now. Identify the number of NFTs you would like to buy. Establish your desired fee, then input your Mantleplace password. Click on submit.

Congratulations on purchasing your first AssetMantle NFT, it will now appear in your collected Tab. If you wish to end your session and sign out, simply click on the icon in the top right-hand corner and navigate to sign out. Before signing out, you can enable desktop notifications; click that box before leaving; now, you can stay up to date with your favorite NFT collections.

About AssetMantle   
AssetMantle is a multi-tenant NFT marketplace framework that enables creators and collectors to securely mint, own, and trade digital assets on its fast-finality blockchain. The AssetMantle no-code toolset allows creators to create customized assets and marketplaces permissionless-ly . Likewise, collectors can own the assets minted across these marketplaces and compatible chains in a singular wallet with minimal gas and a lower carbon footprint. Built on the interNFT standard, AssetMantle implements an end-to-end stack of open-source modular tools that developers can modify to fit advanced use cases. 

contribute to interchain NFT standards; currently being spearheaded by us & the interchain foundation:

Build an open-source, community-driven framework for inter-chain NFTs and metadata standardization by contributing to the ā€˜interNFT standardā€™. 

Provide a platform that enables a diverse set of NFTs use cases that extend beyond arts and collectibles and can potentially change the representation of rights and ownership of real-world assets like real estate and other commodities. 

AssetMantle is always on the lookout to connect with individuals or organizations who wish to take advantage of the opportunities present in the blockchain space and want to learn more about AssetMantle. If you wish to get in touch, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Follow AssetMantleā€™s social channels to stay up-to-date with the latest developments. 

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